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Tuesday, December 23, 2014

TSH Distributes Money Raised

The Shepherd's Hands had a great year in 2014 under the leadership of Mr. Tony Palmer.  This year we raised a lot of money and saw many prayers answered, one of which was to have a successful golf tournament.  Thanks to God and to all of you, we were able to distribute funds to The Tupelo Children's Mansion, The Autism Center, and The Regional Rehab Center to fully fund projects they have undertaken.
TSH check to Tupelo Children's Mansion

We would like to thank you all for your support and wish you all a very Merry Christmas, filled with the love of Jesus Christ toward our fellow man.  We ask Him to bless all that you do in 2015. 

Thank you!

The Shepherd's Hands Charity

Boardmembers:  Tony Palmer, Blakely Young, Summer Smith, Trey Roberts, Jeff Chambers, Faye Adam, Scott Eaves, Brandi Smith, Clay Short.

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